Fire Extinguishers Refill Services

What are Fire Extinguishers and How It is Useful?
In any common fire hazard take place, you will find these three essential elements involved in:
- Extreme heat
- Oxygen (or similar gas)
- Fuel
Fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish at least one of these elements so that a fire will die out. There are mainly five types of fire extinguishers – Water, Foam, Dry Powder, CO2 and Wet Chemical. You should have the right kinds of fire extinguisher for your premises, or you may not meet current regulations.
What are the Laws associated with the fire extinguishers refill services in Australia?
As per AS 1851, fire extinguishers must be checked by qualified persons at six months of intervals. Fire extinguishers are pressurised vessels that can burst when corroded or damaged and have been known to cause severe injury and even death.
The AS 1851 states that the firefighting equipment “must regularly be maintained and it must be in an efficient state.
There are two types of testing and inspection procedures involved: visual inspection by the user and maintenance by a competent person
Portable Fire Extinguishers service
- Six Monthly
- Annually and Be replaced in every 5 years or after discharge.
Fire extinguishers maintenance intervals
As a company, you have a legal obligation to maintain your fire-fighting equipment to protect you, your employees and the general public. At VFP, we make the servicing of your fire extinguishers effortless and affordable with a transparent pricing structure.
There are two types of fire extinguishers available: visual inspection and manual inspection.
As a leading fire protection service provider, we follow the checklist that complies with the Regular fire safety standards in Australia. It is necessary to carry out an essential service more than once in a 12 month period if the monthly visual inspection identifies any damage or drop in pressure.
Visual Inspection
The visual inspection needs to carry out, and recorded, on a monthly basis; while maintenance and service should be carried out in six months.
Visual Inspection that should be carried out for all the portable types of Class F extinguishers for one month and six months.
It involves
- Location of the extinguisher – is it in the right place?
- Visibility of the extinguisher – is it positioned in such a way that it can be easily seen?
- Operating instructions – are the instructions facing outwards, clean and comfortable to read?
- The condition of the extinguisher – has it been used, is there any visible damage or are there any missing parts?
- Extinguisher pressure – is the pressure of the extinguisher within safe operating limits?
- Tamper seals – have the seals and tamper indicators been broken?
Maintenance check and manual inspection
The manual maintenance requirements depend on the type of portable fire extinguisher you are using at your premise.
Dry chemical type extinguishers do not require an internal examination.
Water or steam type fire extinguishers should be discharged, disassembled and inspected annually.
For additional fire extinguisher maintenance, contact us today.

Extended servicing
Every five years most fire extinguishers need an extended service. This means completely discharging the extinguisher, checking for internal corrosion, refilling and re-pressurising.
Fire Blanket maintenance
Fire Blanket Maintenance needs to carry out at a minimum half-yearly or annually to ensure your fire blankets are viable in an emergency.
Exit & Emergency Lighting systems
The testing intervals for the emergency lighting system are every six months. However, units that are not operational between the test intervals should be checked out and repaired.
Fire Hydrant
Fire hydrants shall be tested every six months to ensure proper operation and function.
Fire Hose Reel
Fire Hose Reel Maintenance needs to carry out at a minimum in six months or annually to ensure your fire hose reels are viable in an emergency. A visit from our certified engineers will ensure your firefighting equipment is serviced and maintained to Australian standard.
Path of travels
Essential safety measures include all traditional building fire services such as escape plan. Because fire hazards are a risk in every building — — you should always have a proper path of travels in the emergency. Your safe exit depends on an immediate warning from smoke alarms and advances planning of path of travel. It is recommended to check and revise your path of travel in six months according to your business layout.
Victorian Fire Protection provide services that are fully compliant with Australian Standards.